St. George Church

Parish Name : St.George Church
Address : Thirumoolanagar, Azhagappapuram (Po)
K.K. Dt. 629 401
Patron Saints : St. George
A Brief History :
In 23.07.2015, Thirumoolanagar was elevated as independent parish after being separated from Alagappapuram parish. Thanks to the efforts of Rev. Fr. Michael Jegathees, the church in honour of St.George and the chapel in honour of St.Thomas situated in the Cruz Malai at the foot of the hills, well adorn and beautify this parish. These were consecrated by Most.Rev. Bishop Yuvon Ambrose. Rev.Fr. Joseph Starlin (2015-2020) was the first parish priest. His successor and second parish priest is Rev.Fr. Peter Pastian (2020 onwards).
The new chapel of St.George was built by Rev.Fr.Paul Robinson with the cooperation of the villagers and consecrated by Most Rev. Bishop S.T. Amalanather on 23.8.1981. St. George parish community hall was built by Rev. Fr. Peter Paul on 8.7.2012. Thirumoolanagar was earlier called as ‘Nilapaarai’.
As many miracles took place here, people flocked to get healings and soon this became a Shrine.
On the foot of the hills situated to the north of the village, young boys tending goats and sheep, saw a beam of light in a cave, in the form of a cross and ran to the village to inform what they saw. The then catechist Gnanaprakasam and the villagers rushed to the place, which they believed to be holy and installed a stone cross in the cave and worshipped it. From then onwards, that place was called Cruz Malai. Thereafter a statue of St.Thomas was brought by Rev.Fr.Jebanathan from Alagappapuram and enthroned in the cave.
Rev.Fr. Selva George laid down a single way path from thirumoolanagar to cruzmalai. Later he converted the path into a tar road.
Rev.Fr.Thatheus Rajan built an altar for offering mass twice a week.
As people flocked with faith and received their requests, St.Thomas chapel became shrine.
Then a massive statue of St.Thomas of about 8 feet was installed at the top of the hill.
Rev.Fr. Joseph Starlin, the first parish priest of Thirumoolanagar, built the presbytery with the diocesan financial help, and it was blessed by Most.Rev. Bishop Stephen on 24.6.2019.
St.Thomas chapel was initially built by Rev.Fr.Thatheus Rajan. Rev.Fr.Peter Pastian later developed this chapel alongwith Malai Kukai Maatha grotto with the financial donations from Thiru.P.T. Selvakumar (Cine-Director), from pilgrims and from Nilapaarai parishioners, both of them being inaugurated by Thiru. Chandrasekar (Father of Cine-Actor Vijay) and blessed by Most.Rev.Bishop Stephen on 23.1.2021.
Looking southwards from Cruz Malai, one can view Cape Comorin, the convergence of the three seas.
At present, the parish priest Rev.Fr. Peter Pastian is taking all efforts to build a new big church with the fullest cooperation of the parishioners.
People now call thirumoolanagar as ‘Twin Shrines’.
Succession of parish priests:
1. Rev.Fr. Joseph Starlin - 2015 – 2020
2. Rev.Fr. Peter Pastian - 2020
Catholic Population : 700
No. of Catholic Families : 120
Sunday Mass – Timings : 5:00 a.m.
Thursdays at Crusu Malai : 5:00 p.m.
Fridays at St. George Chruch : Noveena + Mass 7:00 p.m.
Saturday : 7:00 p.m.
Weekdays : 5:30 a.m.
Grottos in the parish:
1. Malai Kukai Matha Grotto
2. St. Michael Grotto
Side Chapels :
1. St. Thomas Chapel (Kurusu Malai)
Participatory Structures
1. 4 Anbiyams
2. 15 Pastoral Commissions
3. Parish Pastoral Council
Christian Life Societies (Pious Associations)
1. Holy Childhood
2. Narkarunai Veerar Sabai
3. Theresa of Child Jesus Sodality
4. Amalorpava Matha Sodality
5. Legion of Mary
6. Holy Family Sodality
7. Vincent de Paul Society
Other Associations & Activities
1. Krithava Tholizhalar Iyyakkam
2. Prison Ministry
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Updated on 3rd May 2023, Final update on May 25th 2023.