
St. Xavier's Church
Rathinapuram, Tuticorin



Parish Name : St. Xavier’s Church
Address : Rathnapuram, Tuticorin 628 001
Patron Saint : St. Xaiver’s

A Brief History:
It is said that nearly 160 years earlier Rathnapuram had a small chapel dedicated to St.Francis Xavier. It was a sub-station to the parish of Sacred Hearts' Church (commenly known as Chinna kovil) which became Cathedral when Thoothukudi was made a separate diocese in 1923. Rev.Fr.Martin S.J. was parish priest at that time. And in 1913 Rev.Fr.Maria Soosainather had started in this area a school up to third standerd with two teachers. Rev.Fr. Maria Alphonse Kagoo built a school building in 1962 where a small chapel was existing.

Bishop Thomas Fernando wanted to create Rathnapuram a separate parish. When Rev.Fr.Lambert Miranda was the parish priest of Cathedral in 1973 Bishop Ambrose Mathalaimuthu laid the foundation for a new church. When Rev.Mgr.Stephendas was the parish priest of the Cathedral he built the altar and sacristy of the church. Rev.Fr. S.Gabriel put up a very big compound wall around the school building. In 1984 Rev.Fr.Job de Rose completed the church construction and on 20 December 1986 it was blessed by Most Rev.Bishop S.T.Amalanather.

In 1990 Rev.Fr. Gerald was appointed as priest in charge of Rathnapuram in order to make arrangements for erecting Rathnapuram into a new parish. Rev.Fr.Lambert Miranda, the vica general, laid the foundation for a presbytery on 24" June, 1992. Rathinapuram was elevated into a parish and Rev.Fr.S.Gabriel was appointed as the first parish priest. The second parish priest was Rev.Fr.Paul Robinston who laid the foundation stone for Sisters Convent which came to its completion when Rev.Fr.Irudayaraj served as the third parish priest from 1995 to 1998. The fourth parish priest Rev.Fr.Joseph Ratnaraj during his period from 1998 to 1999 elavated a separate altar to St.Francis Xavier. And the next parish priest Rev.Fr.Denis Vaiz raised another altar to Infant Jesus. After his ministry from 1999 to 2003 Rev.Fr.Job de Rose had a second inning as parish priest and he put up the belfiry and the Mandapam in front of the church. A mini parish hall was built in his riod.

When he finished his term in 2006, he was followed by Rev.Fr.Paul Robinston who also came as parish priest for second time. A new Tabernacle was erected in the main altar. As he was tranfered in 2009, Rev.Fr. Sahaya Loudrin took charge of the parish on 19", July. The already existing Middle School was upgraded to High School thanks to his hard work. He took efforts to raise a huge and high grotto to Our Lady of Lourdes which has statues on its both side so that people of outside also can venerate Our Blessed Mother. A parish magazine was published every month carrying parish news and articles. A new car was made for the religious processions and in every lenten season the church campus was filled with settings similar to Getsamany and Calvary scenaries. The Silver Jubilee of the blessing of the Parish church was celebrated very solemnly in the year 2012.

The next parish priest Rev.Fr.Theophilus took chrage in 2014, he did some rennovation works in the primary school buildings. And Rev.Fr.Antony Titus Roshan became the tenth parish priest of Rathinapuram in 2015. Visiting the families he encouraged more the spiritual life of the people for two years. He was followed by Rev.Fr.Rainald Missier in 2017. He made some changes in the main altar of the church including the installation of a new big Tabernacle and a new light and sound system with an advanced amplifier and a new key-board. When he finished his five years term in 2022, Rev.Fr.S.M.Amaladas became the twelth parish priest of Rathnapuram on 17" of July.

In 2022, for the first time the feast car procession in honour of St. Francis Xavier was taken in a ship-model. The parish is proud and privileged to have the relic of right hand nail of St. Franics Xavier's incourrupted body.

Succession of parish priests:
1. Rev.Fr. Gabriel - 1992 - 1993
2. Rev.Fr. Paul Rabinston - 1993 - 1995
3. Rev.Fr. Irudayaraj - 1995 - 1998
4. Rev.Fr. Rathnaraj - 1998 – 1999
5. Rev.Fr. Deniz Vaiz - 1999 – 2003
6. Rev.Fr. Job De Rose - 2003 – 2006
7. Rev.Fr. Paul Robinston - 2006 – 2009
8. Rev.Fr. Sahaya Lourdin - 2009 – 2014
9. Rev.Fr. Theophilus - 2014 - 2015
10.Rev.Fr. Antony Titus Roshan 2015 - 2017
11.Rev.Fr. Rainald Missier - 2017 - 2022
12.Rev.Fr. Amaladas S.M. - 2022

Grottos in the parish:
1. Our Ladu of Lourde’s - Rathnapuram

Catholic Population : 750

No. of Catholic Families : 160

Sunday Mass – Timings : 7:15. a.m.
Weekdays : 6:30 a.m
Thursdays Novena Mas 6:15 p.m.

Participatory Structures
1. Anbiyams
2. 15 Pastoral Commissions
3. Parish Pastoral Council

Christian Life Societies (Pious Associations)

1. Holy Childhood
2. Eucharist Crusaders
3. Amalorpava Matha yourn girls sodality
4. Legion of Mary

Other Associations & Activities
1. St. Xavier’s Youth
2. St. Vincent de Paul society
2. Krithavar Vazhvurimai Iyyakkam

Institutions under the Parish
R.C. Primary School, Rathnapuram, Thoothukkudi – 628 002
R.C. High School, Rathnapuram, Thoothukkudi – 628 002

Society of St. Anne (Chennai) (SSA)
St. Ann’s Convent, Rathnapuram, Thoothukkudi – 628 002 Tel : 0461 – 2329908


New Info, Tamil text (From Silver Jubilee Malar) provided by : Rev.Fr. Amaladas S.M.
Scanned pages 1 - 6, Previous file name : parish-rathinapuram-tuty0.htm
File before english translation : parish-rathinapuram-tuty1.htm
Updated on 15th Jan. 2023. Final Correction done on May 18th, 2023

