Selva Matha Church
Selva Matha Church, Chingithurai
Parish Name : Selva Matha Church
Address : Selva Matha Church, Chingithurai - 628 204, Kayalpattnam, Thoothukudi Dt.
Patron Saint : Selva Matha
Telephone No : 04639 – 285682
A Brief History :
To enrich the spiritual needs of the community at Chingithurai and after due consultation, Most Rev. Bishop Peter Fernando, the then bishop of Tuticorin, announced the New Parish “Chingithurai” on May 23rd 2002. This new parish was bifurcated from Veerapandiyanpattnam. Kombuthurai and Anna Nagar which were the substations of Veerpandiyanpattnam, were attached to the new parish as substations. Rev. Fr. John Suresh was appointed as the first parish priest. Rev. Fr. Xavier George built the new Church, and dedicated it to “Selva Matha” in 2000 and a new presbytery in the year 2002.
Sucession of Parish Priests :
1. Rev.Fr. John Suresh - 2002 – 2003
2. Rev.Fr. Karunagaran Gomaz - 2003 – 2007
3. Rev.Fr. Iruthayaraj - 2007 - 2011
4. Rev.Fr. G. Xavier George - 2011 - 2017
5. Rev.Fr. Jeya Jothi 2017 - 2017
6. Rev.Fr. Silvester 2017 - 2022
7. Rev.Fr. Shibaker 2022 -
Catholic Population :2500
Number of Cahtholic Families: 300
Tsunami Nagar - St. Antony's Church
Grottos in the Parish:
1. Our Lady of Lourdes - Middle Street, Chingithurai
2. St. Xavier Grotto - Middle Street, Chingithurai
3. Poondi Matha Kebi - Middle Street, Chingithurai
4. St. Michael the Arc-angel Grotto North Street, Chingithurai
5. St. Antony's Grotto -
Anna Nagar
Sunday Mass – Timings : 6:30 a.m.
Weekdays : 6:30 a.m
First Thursdays : Divine Mercy Chaplet followed by Benediction
Tsunami Nagar : Sunday Mass 9:00 a.m.
Tuesdays : 6:00 p.m.
Participatory Structures
1. 7 Anbiyams
2. 15 Pastoral Commissions
Christian Life Societies (Pious Associations)
1. Holy Childhood
2. Don Bosco Sodality
3. Eucharistic Crusaders
4. Altar Servers Association
5. Amalorpava Matha Sodality for young Girls
6. St. John Youth Sodality
7. Holy Family Sodality
8. Region of Mary
9. Vincent De Paul Society
10. Choir Group
11. Mathu Vilakku Sodality
12. Selva Matha Confraternity Sodality
13. Kolping Movement
Religious :
Bethlemite Sisters (BS)
Chingithurai - 628 204, Kayalpattnam, Thoothukudi Dt.
Bethlemite Sisters (BS)
Chingithurai - 628 204, Kayalpattnam, Thoothukudi Dt.
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New Info provided by : Rev.Fr. Shibaker A.
Scanned pages 25 - 27, Previous file name : parish-chingithurai0.htm
Original in Tamil before English Translation:
Updated on : 14th Oct. 2022, 7th May 2023, May 19, 2023