Church of Our Lady of Dolours
Parish Name : Church of Our Lady of Dolours
Address : Sippikulam, Turicorin Dt. 628 903
Patron Saint : Our Lady of Dolours
Telephone No : 04638 - 292252
Historical Traces of Sippikulam
Sippikulam is located in South Tamil Nadu, Bay of Bengal, 36 kilometers north-east of Thoothukudi on the road to Rameswaram, between Vepalodai and Vaippar. People are Fishermen living among with Muslims and Hindus amicably. Devars, Nadars, Chettiars, Asaris, Dalits and other ethnic groups have been living together in brotherhood for many years. Although the primary occupation of the Christian people living in Sippikulam is fishing, some of them went to foreign countries like Sri Lanka, Singapore, Penang and Malaya. Some others were working as school inspectors locally and as officers in government departments, such as District Educational Officer, District Officer and Deputy District Governor of Thanjavur during the British regime.
In December 1535, a group of 85 Parava chiefs headed by Pero Vaz, received baptism at Cochin from Msgr. Michael Vaz, the Vicar General of Diocese of Goa. Later, Rev. Fr. John de Cruz, along with Rev. Fr. Michael Vaz and four other priests baptized the fishing Paravas and made them embrace Catholicism. In world history, if a whole race were to embrace Catholicism, it would be only the Parava race. The people of Paravas were united under the care of the Portuguese Mission. The mass-conversion helped to spread Portuguese cultural heritage among the Paravars. All of the new converted Christians inherited Portuguese names as family surnames.
Administration by Mylapore Diocese
In pearl coast, two ecclesiastical bases, Portugusese Padroado and Propaganda Fide, were formed in Fishery Coast Mission. Pope IX signed a Concordat on 21 February1857 reinstating all the three suppressed Padroado diocese of Mylapore, Cochin and Cranganore. This introduced the so-called “Double Jurisdiction” among the Christians of the Fishery Coast. With this arrangement, the churches had priests appointed by the Portugal King and priests appointed by Pope in one village in two churches to remain, co-existing under two different jurisdictions.
When Madurai Mission was established, Tuticorin and surrounding villages became part of Tiruchirappalli Diocese. In 1873, Sippikulam was one of the 25 sub-stations of Vembar Holy Ghost Church and Sippikulam remained under Padroado jurisdiction. (When the Pope revocked the spiritual power of the Portugal King, to please the King, Pope allowed 5 parishes under Padroado to continue. One among them was Holy Ghost, Vembar) Goa Clergy belonging to Mylapore Diocese were working here.
Dissatisfied with the work of the Goa Clergy, the people of Sippikulam decided to join the Diocese of Tiruchirappalli in 1891 (Besse 1914/486). A group of about 100 people met Gauchanal in 1892 and presented their grievances. In that they mentioned new born babies were not being baptized, that Goa clergy refused to administer the sacrament of ‘Anointing of the Sick’ to people. People were not interested in going to the Eucharistic celebration for the last six Mondays. (Letters De Vdes - Vol.2 (1892)PP.21-22)
As a result, Sippikulam was annexed from the old Mylapore See and was allowed to joined the Diocese of Tiruchirappalli under Fr. Adhikalanathar (1889-1893)
In 1903, when the Trichy Synod came to visit the area, they laid the foundation stone to erect a church in the name of “Our Lady of Dolours” in Sippikulam. Construction of the church began in the year 1911 by Rev. Fr. Siluvaimuthu Nathar at a cost of Rs 7000. It was completed in 1915 during the period of Rev.Fr. Soosai Manikam, and it was consecrated by Most. Rev. Basanthiyar, the bishop of Tiruchirappalli . (Tuticorin Diocesan Handbook 1998).
Affiliation with Thoothukudi Diocese
In 1919, Sippikulam was established as a parish and Fr. Mariadas served as the first parish priest. Kallurani, Veppalodai and Kulathur were attached as sub-stations in the grazing of Sippikulam. On June 12th 1923, Tuticorin was bifurcated from Tiruchirappalli diocese and announced as a new diocese with 20 parishes and Sippikulam became one of them.
The church at Sippikulam is the first church in Thoothukudi Diocese to be entrusted to the protection of Our Lady of Dolours. The construction work was completed with the financial support of Tuticorin Rao Bahadur Gayathan Villavarayar. In 1949, with the efforts of Rev.Fr. Susainathar. The Sisters of Seven Dolours (Servite Congregation) started their mission work in Sippikulam to help the local people in their spiritual well being and in their education. A convent was built and blessed by Most. Rev. Bishop Francis Tiburzius Roche. In December 1975, Rev.Fr. G. Francis completed the construction of the church towers.
During the tenue of Rev.Fr. R.S.Augustine, he wanted to build a new residence for priests. On 08.12.1980, the foundation for the presbytery was laid by Rev.Fr. Rosario Fernando. On completion it was blessed by Most. Rev. Bishop S.T. Amalnathar on 15.04.1982. He also installed a Statue of Our Lady of Good Health in view of taking it around the streets of the village. Rev.Fr. John Xavier built Art Gallery, Fatima Matha Grotto and St. Anthony's church in Kulathur. A grotto was built on the seashore during the tenure of Rev.Fr. Reynold Missier honoring Saint Francis Xavier, the evangelist who travelled the over the seacoast and preached the Gospel. Rev.Fr. Bright Machado built the top floor of the school. Rev.Fr. Raja Rodrigo was so good at music and he made the boys and girls as musicians and made them saviors of music. He noticed the church was deteriorating and felt that it needed much attention, he sprang into action and renovated the church with the cooperation of the people. The renovated church was blessed on December 27th 2017 by Most Rev. Bishop Yvon Ambroise. Rev.Fr Sahayam Fernando in his period gave much importance to the spiritual growth of the people. The faith of the people, the devotion to Mother Mary, and hard work of the people of Sippikulam during the construction of this new church were highly appreciated.
On June 13th 2020 when Corona was in peek Fr. Santhiago took charge as parish priest of Sippikulam. He had been visiting every house and blessed all the people in the village. He rearranged and tuned the audio system for maximum performance. New Yamaha Keyboard was bought for the choir. It was very sad to see the Servite sisers go off the parish after 72 years of tireless service among the people of Sippikulam. Warm welcome was given to the new incoming congregation “Sisters of the Sacred Heart Vellore” on October 19th, 2021.
St. Francis Xavier’s Church was renovated with the financial help and work force rendered by Mr. Michael Motha. The village was pleased to have him open the church on 30 August 2022. November 21st is the day of fisherman and Pongal which was joyfully celebrated by the parishioners at the guidance of the parish priest. Top floor of St. Antony’s Church in Kulathur was renovated with the financial help of Mr. Jerocin.
Digging the trace of St. Joseph’s Church in Vepalodai, it was found that the land was about to be encroached. To safeguard the land, Rev.Fr. Sathiago laid foundation to build St. Joseph’s Church in that location on 20 October 2022.
Succession of Parish priests:
1. Rev.Fr. J. Mariadas 1919 - 1927
2. Rev.Fr. F.M. Packiyar 1927 – 1931
3. Rev.Fr. M. Fernando 1931 – 1933
4. Rev.Fr. Mariadas Fernando 1933 – 1935
5. Rev.Fr. J. V. Poobala Rayer 1935 – 1936
6. Rev.Fr. D. Swaminathar 1936 - 1937
7. Rev.Fr. Payappalli 1937 - 1940
8. Rev.Fr. Antony S. Fernando 1940 - 1941
9. Rev.Fr. J. Viagulam 1941 - 1945
10. Rev.Fr. Emanuvel Diaz 1945 - 1946
11. Rev.Fr. J. Swaminathar 1946 - 1949
12. Rev.Fr. G. Susainathar 1949 - 1951
13. Rev.Fr. Antony Rosario Fernando 1951 - 1952
14. Rev.Fr. Amaladhas Victoria 1952 - 1959
15. Rev.Fr. J. X. Poobalrayer 1959 – 1962
16. Rev.Fr. J. Viagulam 1962 - 1963
17. Rev.Fr. Richard Rodrigo1963 - 1969
18. Rev.Fr. Jesu Arulappan 1969 – 1970
19. Rev.Fr. Paul Pandiyan1970
20. Rev.Fr. Charles Fernando 1970
21. Rev.Fr. Methodius 1970 - 1971
22. Rev.Fr. M.J. Irudayaraj Poobalrayer 1971 - 1972
23. Rev.Fr. Cruz Marian 1972 - 1973
24. Rev.Fr. G. Franics 1973 - 1976
25. Rev.Fr. Richard Rodrigo 1976 - 1977
26. Rev.Fr. R.S. Augustin 1977 - 1982
27. Rev.Fr. Viladmir Rayan1982 – 1983
28. Rev.Fr. Charles Fernando 1983 - 1986
29. Rev.Fr. Jesu Arulappan 1983 - 1986
30. Rev.Fr. John Xavier Fernando1987 - 1990
31. Rev.Fr. Joseph Isidore1990 - 1992
32. Rev.Fr. Viagula Marian 1992 - 1997
33. Rev.Fr. Reynold Missier 1997 - 1998
34. Rev.Fr. D. Alphonse 1999 - 2000
35. Rev.Fr. Alexsander 2000 - 2004
36. Rev.Fr. Bright Machado 2004 - 2009
37. Rev.Fr. D. Selvan 2009 - 2012
38. Rev.Fr. Raja Rodrigo 2012 - 2017
39. Rev.Fr. Sahayam 2017 – 2020
40. Rev.Fr. Santhiyago 2020 - 2023
41. Rev.Fr. Dominic Arul Valan 2023 -
1. Kallurani - Christ the King Church
2. Veppalodai - St. Francis Xavier Church
3. Kulathur - St. Antony's Church
Grottos in the Parish:
1. St. Theresa of Little Flower - Kallaru
2. Holy Cross Grotto - Sippikulam
3. St. Fransisammal Grotto - Kallaru
4. Lourdhu Annai Grotto - Sippikulam
5. Fatima Matha Grotto - Sippikulam
6. St. Francis Xavier Grotto - Sippikulam
7. St. Antony's Grotto - Panaiur
Catholic Population: 950
No. of Catholic Families: 155
Sunday Mass – Timings: 6.30 a.m. 6:15 p.m. Rosary & Benediction
Week Days: 6.00 a.m.
First Thursdays : Mass at Xavier's Grotto 5:30 p.m.
First Friday : Mass at Kallurani 5:15 p.m
Parish Feast : September second Sunday
Kulathur Feast : June 13th
Kallurani Feast : September 4th Week
St. Xavier Grotto Feast : December first Week
Participatory Structures:
1. Anbiyams 9
2. 15 Commisions
Christian Life Societies (Pious Associations)
1. Holy Childhood
2. Eucharistic Crusaders
3. Amalorpava Matha Sodality
4. St. Joseph Sodality
5. Holy Family Sodality
6. St. Xavier Sodality
Institutions under the Parish
St. Theresa Middle School
Congregation of the Mother of Sorrows,
Sacred Heart Sisters (Vellore)
New Info provided by : Rev.Fr. Sathiyago R.
Tamil Word Doc. received through e-mail.
Previous file name : parish-sippikulam-ol-dolorus0.htm
Updated on 22nd March, 2023. English translation done on May 12th 2023
Updated on 12 Jully, 2024