Sts. John & Stephen
Parish Name : Church of Sts. John & Stephen,
Address : Periathalai Tuticorin Dt. 628 705
Patron Saints : John & Stephen
Telephone No : 04639 -254272
A Brief History :
Periathazhai is one of the places frequented by St. Francis Xavier. He had also put up a thatched Church at Periathazhai. In 1550 Rev. Fr. Henry Henriques built an enlarged Church with red mud wall and thatched roof. St. John the Evangelist was the Patron Saint. In 1597 this Church was burnt to ashes by Asiriyapperumal of Vijayapathi. 1603 the Church was rebuilt.
In 1635 Rev. Fr. John Peraira became the parish priest. He built a spacious Church and it was blessed in 1639. St. Stephen was the Patron Saint of this Church. Although on 12th November 1930 Bishop Tiburtius Roche laid the foundation stone for a new Church, only on 13th November 1963 Rev. Fr. T.K. Dhason Dalmaida started the work of building the Church. It was blessed by Bishop Ambrose Mathalaimuthu on 14th May 1978 when Rev. Fr. John Xavier was the parish priest. Rev. Fr. Jeya Jothi built the presbytery in 1992.
Two of our former Vicars General Msgr. Paul Robinston and Msgr. Lorenzo hail from this parish.
Sucession of Parish Priests:
1. Rev.Fr. Manuvel De Guez - First Parish Priest
2. From 1628 to 1980 (10 Parish Priests - 1628 – 1735)
3. Rev.Fr. Lawrence De Gostha- First Parish Priest (10 Parish Priests - 1736 – 1780)
4. 10 parish Priests - 1781 – 1794
Rev.Fr. Rosario - First Parish Priest
Rev.Fr. Bethuru Nigolaus Carcio – Last Parish Priest
5. 55 Parish Priests - 1795 – 1895
Rev.Fr. John Vincent Lobaus – First Parish Priest
Rev.Fr. Selvam – Last Parish Priest
6. 18 Parish Priests - 1896 – 1946
Rev.Fr. Masapart – First Parish Priest
Rev.Fr. L.X. Fernondo
7. 9 Parish Priests - 1950 – 1978
Rev.Fr. Thomas Fdo – First Parish Priest
Rev.Fr. John Xavier Fdo – Last Parish Priest
8. Rev.Fr.Benzigar - 1978 – 1980
9. Rev.Fr. Panneer Selvam - 1980 - 1984
10. Rev.Fr. Hermas Moduthagam - 1984 - 1988
11. Rev.Fr. Theoplus - 1988 - 1994
12. Rev.Fr. Xavier George - 1994 – 1999
13. Rev.Fr. John Selvam - 1999 – 2001
14. Rev.Fr. Aloysius - 2001 – 2005
15. Rev.Fr. Suresh - 2005 – 2006
16. Rev.Fr. Alphonse D.S. - 2006 – 2008
17. Rev.Fr. James Peter - 2008 – 2013
18. Rev.Fr. Stan Fernando - 2013 - 2015
19. Rev.Fr. Selvan D. 2015 - 2020
20. Rev.Fr. Susilan P. 2020 -
Grottos in the Parish:
1. Lourdu Matha - Periyathalai
2. Veilankanni Matha - Periyathalai
3. St. Teresa of C. Jesus - Periyathalai
4. St. Antony - Periyathalai
Catholic Population : 7650
No. of Catholic Families : 1200
Sunday Mass – Timings : 5.00 a.m.; .6:30 a.m.; & 5:00 p.m.
Weekdays : 6:00 a.m.
Participatory Structures
1. Anbiyams
2. 15 Pastoral Commissions
3. Parish Pastoral Council
4. Parish Finance Committee
5. St. Michael
6. St. Franics Xavier
7. Infant Jesus
Christian Life Societies (Pious Associations)
1. Holy Childhood
2. Eucharistic Crusaders
3. St.Theresa Sodality
4. Amalorpava Matha Sodality
5. Holy Family Sodality
6. Lourdu Matha Sodality
7. Sacred Heart Confraternity
8. Carmel Matha Confratenity
9. Legion of Mary
10. Vincent De Paul Society
11. Infant Jesus Tarasal Sodality
12. Madhu Vilakku Sodality
Other Associations & Activities
1. Krithavar Vahzvurimai Iyyakkam
Institutions under the Parish
Little Flower High School - Periathazhai – 628 705 Tel. 04639 – 254114
R.C. Primary School, Periathazhai – 628 705
St. Joseph’s Dispensary, Periathalai, Tuticorin Dt. 628 705, Tel: 9786770759
Little Flower High School is upgraded 2023 - 2024
1. Congregation of the Mother of Sorrows, Servants of Mary (Servite) (OSM)
Servite Convent, Periathazhai – 628 705 Tel. 04639 – 254555