
Holy Ghost Church



Parish Name : Holy Ghost Church
Address : Manapad – 628 209
Patron Saint : Holy Ghost
Telephone No : 04639 226233

A Brief History :
According to the Jesuit mission diary of 1521, Manapad had a beautiful Church built with stones, dedicated to Our Lady of Assumption. In 1695 Dutch mercenaries captured this Church and converted it into their arsenal. Slowly Church got dilapidated. In the Church of Assumption was the tomb of the famous Italian missionary and the tamil scholar Joseph Beschi, popularly known as Veeramamunivar. That tomb also got destroyed together with the Church. The stones were used again to build the new Church, dedicated the Holy Ghost in 1851.

According to the concordat made between Pope Leo XIII and Portugal on 23rd June 1886, Holy Ghost Church of Manapad was attached to the Padroado diocese of Mylapore which was part of the Goa Mission. Rev. Fr. Lawrence Xavier Fernandez was the first priest from this parish and the first priest from the Parathavar Community. He was ordained on 25th November 1894 for the diocese of Mylapore.
According to the new concordat made between Pope Pius XI and Portugal on 29th June 1925, Manapad Holy Ghost parish was attached to the diocese of Thoothukkudi. Rev. Fr. Swaminather was the first parish priest after it joined to the diocese of Thoothukkudi.

Mr. J.A. Donatus Victoria helped to renovate the Church. In 1913 the towers of the Church were raised to the present height by Rev. Fr. Sebastian Henry De Souza. When 400 years jubilee of the arrival of St. Francis Xavier to Manapad (1542-1942) was celebrated, Mr. Donatus Victoria again helped to renovate the whole Church and Bishop Tiburtius Roche blessed it. In 2011, the Church Mandapam was renovated by the diocese. In 2017, during the period of Rev. Fr. Solomon OFM (Cap) interior and exterior of the church was painted, with the help of the parishioners.

Succession of parish priests:
1. Rev.Fr. Lawrence Xavier Fdo - 1902
2. Rev.Fr. Gomez - 1902 – 1906
3. Rev. Fr. Rodrikkus - 1906 – 1909
4. Rev.Fr.Rok - 1909 – 1910
5. Rev.Fr.Sebasatian Yentric D Soyisa - 1910 - 1918
6. Rev.Fr. Brinto - 1918 – 1920
7. Rev.Fr. Denigar - 1920 - 1921
8. Rev.Fr. M. Maria Joseph Nather - 1921 – 1930
9. Rev.Fr. Swaminather - 1930 – 1931
10. Rev.Fr. Missier - 1931 –
11. Rev.Fr. Mariadas - 1931 – 1934
12. Rev.Fr. Gaspar Roche - 1934-1938
13. Rev. Fr. T.P. Alangaram - 1938-1941
14. Rev. Fr. Payapaly - 1941-1944
15. Rev. Fr. J.X.P. Rayar - 1944-1954
16. Rev. Fr. Gabriel Devotta - 1954-1956
17. Rev. Fr. J. Augustine - 1956-1957
18. Rev. Fr. Joseph Fernand - 1957-1958
19. Rev. Fr. A. Victoria - 1958-1965
20. Rev. Fr. Arasarathinam - 1965-1968
21. Rev. Fr. Methodius - 1968-1969
22. Rev. Fr. J.V. Poobalrayar - 1969-1970
23. Rev. Fr. Xavier Ignatius - 1970-1972
24. Rev. Fr. Rosario Corera - 1972-1974
25. Rev. Fr. Richard Rodrigo - 1974-1976
26. Rev. Fr. P.L. Ephrem - 1976-1977
27. Rev. Fr. Rosary Fernand - 1977
28. Rev. Fr. Jebamalai Pitchai - 1977-1978
29. Rev. Fr. Devasahayam - 1978-1982
30. Rev. Fr. D.J.C. Amirtham - 1982-1984
31. Rev. Fr. Alphonse - 1984-1986
32. Rev. Fr. Julian Fernand - 1986-1991
33. Rev. Fr. Martin - 1991-1994
34. Rev. Fr. James Peter - 1994- 1999
35. Rev.Fr. M. Devanavamani - 1999 – 2001
36. Rev.Fr. J..T. Yogaraj - 2001 – 2003
37. Rev.Fr. A.J. Camilus - 2003 – 2008
38. Rev.Fr. Robert CPPS - 2008 – 2009
39. Rev.Fr. L.Raja Rodrigo - 2009 - 2012
40. Rev.Fr. Jesudas - 2012 - 2015
41. Rev.Fr. Pradeesh 2015 - 2016
42. Rev.Fr. Clarence Dinesh 2016 - 2017
43. Rev.Fr. Solomon OFM (Cap.) 2017 - 2018
44. Rev.Fr. Fr. Arumainathan OFM (Cap.)2018 -2019
45. Rev.Fr. Anto Manoj Kumar I. 2019 - 2024
46. Rev. Fr. Motcha Antony Jeyakar 2024 -

Grottos in the parish:
1. Our Lady of Fatima - Manapad
2. Our Lady of Dolours - Manapad

Catholic Population : 4500

No. of Catholic Families : 714

Sunday Mass – Timings : 5:00 a.m. & 6:45 a.m.
Weekdays : 6.00 a.m.

Participatory Structures
1. Anbiyams - 22
2. 15 Pastoral Commissions

Christian Life Societies (Pious Associations)
1. Holy Childhood

2. Eucharistic Crusaders
3. Pombai Jebamaalai Matha Sodality
4. Holy Family Sodality
5. Apostolic Prayer Sodality
6. Holy Five wounds Sodality
7. Carmel Sodality
8. Legion of Christ
9. Legion of Mary
10. Vincent De Paul Society
11. Little Flower Association (For 9th & 10th girls)

Other Associations & Activities
1. Krithavar Vazhvurimai Iyyakkam
2. Amalorpave Matha Mathu Vilakku Sodality

Institutions under the Parish
Holy Ghost Middle School, Manapad – 628 209

1. Franciscan Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (FSPM)
Presentation Convent, Victoria Hospital, Manapad – 628 209 Tel. 04639 – 226309

Institutions under the Religious
Victoria Hospital, Manapad – 628 209 Tel. 04639 – 226302 (FSPM)

Corrections added to the existing content by : Rev. Fr. Anto Manoj Kumar I.
Previous file name : parish-cruzpuram0.htm
Updated on 29th, April 2023, Final Correction done on May 22nd 2023

Updated on 12 Jully, 2024
