Lourdu Matha Church
Lourdammalpuram, Tuticorin
Parish Name : Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Address : Lourdammalpuram, Tuticorin 628 001
Patron Saint : Our Lady of Lourdes
A Brief History
Lourdammalpuram, which was part of Cruzpuram parish, was made into a separate parish by Bishop Peter Fernando in 2001. The Church of Lourdammalpuram was built by Rev. Fr. John Selvam and was blessed on 27th December 2003. The presbytery had already been built by Rev. Fr. Rainald Missier which had been blessed on 22nd July 2001.
Succession of parish priests:
1. Rev.Fr. John Selvam - 2001 – 2004
2. Rev.Fr. Rayappan - 2004 – 2008
3. Rev.Fr. Panner Selvam - 2008 – 2011
4. Rev.Fr. Antony Pitchai - 2011 – 2015
5. Rev.Fr. Frankline Fernando 2015 - 2020
6. Rev.Fr. Bruno Moduthagam 2020
Grottos in the parish:
1. Our Lady of Lourdues - Lourdammalpuram
2. St. Antony - Lourdammalpuram
3. Our Lady of Velankanni - Lourdammalpuram
4. Santa Lenal - Lourdammalpuram
Catholic Population : 5000
No. of Catholic Families : 900
Sunday Mass – Timings : 6.45 a.m., 5.30 p.m.
Weekdays : 6.00 a.m.
Feast: Nearest Sunday of 11th Feburary
Sub – Station : Nil
Participatory Structures
1. 20 Anbiyams
2. 3 Pastoral Commissions
3. Parish Pastoral Council
4. Parish Finance Committee
Christian Life Societies (Pious Associations)
1. Holy Family Sodality
2. Legion of Mary
3. Vincent de Paul Society
Other Associations & Activities
1. Altar Boys Association
2. Our Lady of Lourder Youth Sodality
3. Lourdhu Annai Golping Family
4. Soosainather Golping Family
Sacred Heart Sisters (SHS)
Sacred Heart Convent, Lourdammalpuram, Thoothukkudi – 628 001, Cell: 9597333674
Institutions under the Religious
1. Sacred Heart Dispensary, Lourdammalpuram, Thoothukkudi – 628 001, Cell: 99597333674
2. Francis Pioson Home for the Disabled Children, run by the Sacred Heart Sisters,
Lourdammalpuram, Thoothukkudi – 628 001. Cell: 9597333674
Common Cemetery for the prishes of Therespuram, Cruzpuram and Lourdammalpuram.
Corrections added to the existing content by : Rev.Fr. Bruno Moduthagam
Scanned pages: None. Previous file name : parish-lourdammalpuram-tuty0.htm
Updated on 14th Oct. 2022